Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tell them you love them TODAY!

*steps on soapbox*

I can't live without them....
I love them....
Go tell them that, whoever they are.

 Shout it directly in their face. Write it on your forehead. Put it on an airplane banner and fly it over their house.  Just make sure they hear you. Why wait another day? What if they move, die, fall in love with someone else? If you know you will regret not telling someone how you feel, you probably should tell them. Too many things hold us back from taking our lives back. I am working on taking my life back each and every day. I have let fear and over thinking control most of what I say and do. I run twenty different senario's through my head before I make a decision. My final decisions usually are very reserved compared to the senario's I've sorted carefully through.

 I almost always regret not saying something I should have. Not telling someone exactly how they make me feel, good or bad. I need to learn to stand up for me and what I want. Is it so hard to tell people how we feel? What is with all the games we play and the rules we have? If you know you feel strongly about someone, why is it so hard to just tell them? If you were hungry wouldn't you tell them how you felt about needing food right away? What about being lonely. Would you tell them that you needed company? And then love...would or could you ask someone for love? You should. You should look that person in the face and tell them EXACTLY what is on your mind. Fuck scaring that person away. You should really be scared of not ever finding out what they were feeling in the first place. Odds are they are just as screwed up in the head as you are.

 People are not and will never be mind readers. We need to communicate our needs with each other. I really hate not knowing things and having that sick feeling in my stomach like I am constantly screwing up with my relationships. Ask questions! Do not be scared to put all of you out there. Love yourself enough to ask for what makes you happy in whatever role you play in life.

I NEED for my child to always love me, no matter how much I screw up. And to trust that I am capable of being a life coach.
I WANT to be the fun parent and the sensitive one. I want to be the person he chooses first. There I said it.

I NEED someone to always tell me when I am wrong, even if I don't think I am.
I WANT truth and loyalty.

I NEED someone to share their soul with me and feel as deeply as I do. Who is just as giddy/nervous around me as I am them.
I WANT someone to believe in my capabilities. Understanding, acceptance, free time. And above all a love that is limitless.

I NEED reassurance and year to year guidance.
I WANT more time together.

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”- Marie Curie
                  ____ Stepping off my soapbox now....